As the years unfolded, Rob's passion evolved, honing in on the pursuit of big water chinook salmon. This dedication became the driving force in his angling journey, propelling him to participate in various tournaments and derbies along the north shore of Lake Ontario. Beyond his personal pursuits, Rob generously lends his expertise and time to the angling community, volunteering with Metro East Anglers at the local hatchery.
Rob's arsenal is a testament to his commitment to excellence, with a diverse selection of big fish go-to's at his disposal. Among the array of choices, it's a challenging task for him to single out just one favorite. However, his fishing adventures are often accompanied by the reliable combination of an OKi Kingfisher or Big Shooter paddle paired with a Rhys Davis teaser head. With each adventure and tournament, Rob's journey continues to unfold, marked by a deep-seated passion for the thrill of angling on the expansive waters he calls home.